Law Office Answering Service

Law Office Answering Services:
In your busy law practice, you cannot be all places at once AND answering every phone call. You need to use your time wisely. You also need to make sure that when your phone rings, someone answers…not an answering machine or voicemail system, but a real person. Otherwise, the caller might just call the next name in their Google search.
For any law office that can’t afford to miss a call, Hartley’s is an efficient and cost-effective solution. We provide professional, courteous customer service without the expense and hassle of hiring more staff.
- We cover the phones while you are with clients, in court, or in meetings.
- We answer overflow calls, so you don’t need to worry about missing an important call or diverting the caller to voicemail while your phone lines are busy.
- We screen calls, connecting important callers to you immediately.
Cost Effective: And while hiring can be expensive, staffing doesn’t have to be. We can be an extension of your staff at a fraction of the cost of hiring. And we never call in sick, quit, or go on vacation.
Technology: We operate our business using the latest equipment and software. Our state-of-the-art technology enables us to provide highly customized service accurately and reliably.
To ensure we are providing service 24/7/365, we invest in robust, redundant backup systems that deliver near 100% uptime.
To view a complete list of industries we serve, click on the link below.
A Cost-Effective Alternative to Hiring
Many businesses, large and small, often require additional staffing to help with the phones, but don’t necessarily need or want to hire another full or part-time employee. Some of our clients are small businesses that have little or no staff, they might not have a regular office, but need their callers to receive excellent customer service. Hartley’s Answering Service provides that additional bump in staffing at a fraction of the cost of hiring.
As a business answering service, Hartley and Associates serve a wide variety of businesses and offer solutions for many industries including:
- Medical Answering Service
- Dental Answering Service
- Construction Trades Answering Service
- Veterinary Answering Service
- HVAC Answering Service
- Property Management Service
- In-Home Care Service
- Law Office Answering Service
- Virtual Receptionist
- Small Business Answering Service
- 24/7 Business Answering Service, including:
- IT Support
- Refrigeration
- Vending Machine Companies
- Private Security
- Disaster Restoration