“Hello, how may I help you?”
For more than 30 years, businesses and professionals have trusted Hartley’s to manage their calls professionally, courteously, and accurately. Our stellar staff and state-of-the-art answering service technology operate 24/7/365 so you’re always covered, and we never send your calls offshore.
Our mission is to consistently delight our clients with unsurpassed telephone answering services and call-center services. We serve a wide variety of businesses and offer solutions for many industries including medical, dental, veterinary, HVAC, Property Management, and more. To learn more about the industries we serve and how we tailor our services to best suit your individual needs, click here.
Providing call coverage when needed to ensure your urgent patient and hospital calls are handled with care and efficiency. Since we operate 24/7/365, we can handle all of your after-hours, lunch, and daytime-overflow calls. Learn More
Providing courteous, professional service to ensure you never miss an important call. HIPAA/HITECH compliant equipment and trained staff – to meet all privacy rules and regulations. Learn More
In Home Care
With the growth in our aging population, in-home care is an expanding and vital business for the compassionate care of our seniors. It is a very competitive industry and you cannot afford to miss a call from a potential new client. Learn More
Providing caring, efficient support for you, your clients, and their cherished pets. We will free you from phone-call interruptions giving you more time to focus on animal care. Learn More
If your business promises round-the-clock response, your urgent calls must be taken care of promptly and accurately. Learn More
Property Management
Our property management answering service will screen calls according to each clients’ specific instructions, dispatching urgent calls immediately and saving non-urgent messages for the next business day. Learn More
Providing courteous, professional service to your callers while you focus on getting the job done. Learn More
Law Office
For any law office that can’t afford to miss a call, Hartley’s is an efficient and cost-effective solution. We provide professional, courteous customer service without the expense and hassle of hiring more staff. Learn More
Virtual Receptionist
If you own a growing business, you can’t be all places at once AND answering every phone call. You need to use your time wisely. You also need to make sure that when your phone rings, someone answers…not an answering machine or voicemail system, but a real person. Learn More
Small Business
Some of our clients are small businesses that have little or no staff, they might not have a regular office, but need their callers to receive excellent customer service. Hartley’s Answering Service provides that additional bump in staffing at a fraction of the cost of hiring. Learn More
24/7 Business
Any business that promises round-the-clock response must ensure urgent calls are answered and processed efficiently. These include: IT support, property management, private security, vending-machine companies, HVAC companies, plumbers…to name a few. Learn More
Never Miss Another Call
At Hartley and Associates, we understand how important your business communications are; so we continuously invest in our people and our technology to provide you with the best service possible.
We’re HIPAA Compliant

Protected Health Information – we’ve got you covered
Medical practices are auditing nearly every aspect of their operations to ensure HIPAA compliance regarding the security of protected health information (PHI). Hartley and Associates, serving the medical community, must leverage best practices and technology to ensure that our messaging protocols withstand HIPAA compliance scrutiny.
At Hartley and Associates, our staff and office are HIPAA trained and compliant. In addition our technology offers HIPAA compliant text messaging to ensure confidential information remains confidential.
Give us a call today and let us show you how we can help you meet HIPAA standards in your practice.
A Cost-Effective Alternative to Hiring
Many businesses, large and small, often require additional staffing to help with the phones, but don’t necessarily need or want to hire another full or part-time employee. Some of our clients are small businesses that have little or no staff, they might not have a regular office, but need their callers to receive excellent customer service. Hartley’s Answering Service provides that additional bump in staffing at a fraction of the cost of hiring.
Grow Your Business:
If you own a growing business, you can’t be all places at once AND answering every phone call. You need to use your time wisely. You also need to make sure that when your phone rings, someone answers…not an answering machine or voicemail system, but a real person. Otherwise, the caller will likely just call the next company in their Google search.